Using GPS Tracking Apps in-house to monitor Investigations in real time
November 1, 2016For years, logistics and delivery companies have relied on GPS tracking and geospatial technology to monitor their freight movements and fleets of vehicles. UPS, for example, pioneered the use of commercial GPS to improve route mapping, which is how we all get to “track a package” from shipment facility to door in almost real-time today.
When most people think of GPS outside the realm of UPS or FedEx, the images that spring to mind include cheating spouses, concerned parents, and law enforcement. Yet GPS is used for many legitimate business initiatives, and it’s a valuable tool for any company that wants to minimize costs associated with road travel and vehicle fleet maintenance.

QIGPI uses a GPS app, and we’ve deployed it company wide to track the movements of private investigators in the field. Having this app in our arsenal provides benefits to our customers, and we’re proud to be at the forefront with this technology.
“With our GPS tracking app, we’re able to monitor our private investigators as they work on field surveillance,” says Corey Savant. “We know exactly where they are at any given moment, and all the data associated with movement during field surveillance is recorded in such a way that makes it easy for us to share and print information that is useful in our investigations.”
QIGPI tracks employees as a business safeguard and as a cost management tool. For instance, with more than a dozen PIs in the field on any given day, year-round, says Corey, “when we save just a few miles each day, that’s less wear and tear on the vehicles, it’s less time spent on the road, it’s less fuel used.”
Internal cost savings are passed on to our customers in that we are able to operate more efficiently. Additional benefits include: real-time data that can be presented as part of our investigation, precise locations with address and map coordinates that are used in field surveillance, and the confidence that comes with knowing where your PI is at any given moment on a surveillance assignment.
GPS can also play an important role in corporate investigations.
Warrantless GPS tracking by law enforcement is illegal, and private investigative firms cannot track vehicles without express written permission of a vehicle owner. However, when it comes to corporate vehicle fleets, GPS tracking is useful … and, it’s the company that owns those cars or trucks.
GPS tracking is an essential tool for many businesses that use technology in an ethical manner. At QIGPI we use GPS tracking apps installed on each team member’s smartphone to provide us with an accurate glimpse of where everyone is in the course of their daily activity and monitoring. It just so happens this tracking is useful to us and our customers because it provides accurate information that is recorded automatically, and that is backed-up in real time.
When you think of hiring a private investigative firm for your surveillance needs, think first about a tech savvy company such as QIGPI … we’ve got you covered. Call Quality Investigative Group on 337-235-1016 and learn more about our team and technological capabilities.